Alberto de Andrés

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 Mi nombre es Alberto de Andrés y vengo de España. Desde pequeño me sentí atraído por el mundo de la música en concreto por la guitarra. En cuanto tuve ocasión curse estudios de guitarra clásica en el Real Conservatorio de música de Madrid. Más adelante y dada mi pasión por el flamenco me especialicé en Guitarra Flamenca también en el Real Conservatorio de Madrid.La guitarra me ha llevado a viajar por algunos países acompañando a grupos que representan el flocklore español en el que tenía un lugar destacado el flamenco.Espero saber transmitiros lo mejor del mundo del flamenco y que disfrutemos todos juntos de ese imponente instrumento de la guitarra. My name is Alberto de Andrés and I come from Spain. Ever since I was little I was attracted to the world of music, specifically to the guitar.  As soon as I had the chance, I studied classical guitar at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Madrid.  Further down the road (and due to my passion for flamenco), I specialized in Flamenco Guitar, also at the Royal Conservatory of Madrid. The guitar has taken me travelling through several countries accompanying groups that represent the Spanish folklore in which flamenco had a prominent place.I hope to be able to transmit the best of the world of flamenco to you all and that we enjoy all together the powerful instrument of the guitar

Alejandro Fleites

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Born and raised in Havana, Cuba, Alejandro Fleites and his trio, “Sin Embargo”, bring us an acoustic taste of Latin American music, filling in the gap left by the local Salsa and Mariachi bands. Listen to the poetic lyrics and harmonic sophistication of Bolero, Bossa Nova or Nueva Canción, or dance to the contagious rhythms of Cha Cha Cha, Merengue or Cuban Son. Either way, you will be left satisfied AND wanting more at the same time!

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  • Select your ticket from the drop-down arrow & then on the "Buy Now" button.  The added $2 credit card processing fee shows as "shipping".
  • A Paypal account is NOT needed to purchase your tickets - just scroll to the bottom of the payment page and then click "Pay With Debit or Credit Card".
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